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About us!

The Maharashtra Urban Co-operative Banks’ Federation Ltd, Mumbai, a spokes-person body of all the co-operative banks in Maharashtra, is the largest & efficient Federation in India and has been playing an important role in voicing the grievances of our member banks before the appropriate forums including the Central Government, Reserve Bank of India, State Government, Commissioner of Co-operation, Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Income Tax Authorities and other related Government Bodies. To protect & guide the urban co-operative banks in today’s competitive environment is the main aim of establishment of the Federation.

The Maharashtra Urban Co-operative Banks’ Federation Ltd, Mumbai, a spokes-person body of all the co-operative banks in Maharashtra, is the largest & efficient Federation in India and has been playing an important role in voicing the grievances of our member banks before the appropriate forums including the Central Government, Reserve Bank of India, State Government, Commissioner of Co-operation, Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Income Tax Authorities and other related Government Bodies.

  • MOUs, Task Forces for Co-operative Urban Banks (TAFCUB) have been set up with representation by the State Governments and RBI.
  • The Directors of the Federation are nominated as Members of TAFCUB for Mumbai Region, Nagpur Region and Central Region for Uni-State or Multi-State UCBs respectively.
  • MUCBF convens Pre – TAFCUB meetings frequently to The Maharashtra Urban Co-operative Banks’ Federation Ltd. popularly known as MUCBF, is registered on 9th March 1979 and is a largest spokesperson body of all UCBs in the State of Maharashtra.
  • It has been playing an important role in voicing the grievances of member UCBs before the appropriate forums including the Central Govt., RBI, CBDT, NABARD, NHB, Commissioner of Co-operation, Registrar of Societies, IBA, NAFCUB, NCUI, State Govt. and other related Government bodies.
  • Federation is the only State Level Body, having representation on the RBI’s Pre Monetary Policy Consultation Meeting, Standing Advisory Committee Meeting, TAFCUB meeting.
  • The chairman of the Federation Shri Vidyadhar Anaskar is nominated as a member on the Advisory Group constituted by the Central Government for UCBs.
  • Besides, on various committees such as the Model Bye Laws Committee, State Law Amendment Committee, Committee on One Time Settlement etc. constituted by the State Government, the Federation has its’ representation.
  • As a part of the identify the exact nature of problems faced by UCBs on TAFCUB, and accordingly plead / defend the banks’ cases strongly before the TAFCUB and RBI authorities.

    In order to create competitive bankers and facilitate UCBs Personnel not only to face the competition, but also to make their overall growth and development, the Federation has set up it’s own fully equipped and Recognized Training Institution wherein training has been provided to the Directors, Management and employees of UCBs on various subjects relating to banking, in collaboration with the RBI, IBA, CAB, NABARD, FIU-IND, NAFCUB, NPCI, NHB and various District Level Associations. The purpose is to enhance professionalism, skill upgradation and improve the quality of governance, at a reasonable cost or sometimes at free of cost.


    MUCBF is organizing Seminars / Conferences on Policy issues, Draft guidelines released by the RBI, Constitutional Amendments, Model Bye-laws, Amendments to the State Co-operative Societies Act etc. for Chairmen,Vice-chairmen, Board Directors, Managing Directors, CEOs etc. from time to time, to generate awareness on contemporary policy issues and provide a forum for interaction and exchange innovative ideas on the subject matter and an insight on the best practices. As on date, Federation has presented many policy issues pertaining to UCBs before the Governor of the RBI in various Pre-Monetary Policy Meetings and Standing Advisory Meeting and nearly 85% of such issues are resolved, which include Liberalization of branch licensing policy for UCBs, Enhancement of limits on unsecured loans and advances granted by UCBs, Exemption from share linking to borrowing norm, Access to INFINET membership, Current / SGL accounts with Reserve Bank and RTGS membership for UCBs, Exposure of UCBs to Housing, Real Estate and Commercial Real Estate, Inclusion of UCBs in the Second Schedule to the RBI Act, 1934, Provision of LAF facility to scheduled UCBs, Inclusion of ICs, PFs, MFs, GFs etc as approved financial intermediaries in the secondary market and many more such issues.

WORKSHOPs for (–) ve Net Worth UCBs

    Federation frequently organizes workshops for UCBs with negative networth. The purpose is to identify potentially viable and non-viable UCBs and accordingly suggest necessary measures as the case may be either for their revival or non disruptive exit routes by exploring the possibility of their merger with some other FSWM UCBs.


    Presently MUCBF has undertaken the task of conducting training programmes in order to bring awareness about innovative products introduced by Natiional Payment Corporation of India, Credit Linked Subsidy schemes launched by National Housing Bank under Pradhanmantri Awas Yojana and Cyber Security Measures etc. for Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, Directors, Chief Executive Officers, I.T. and Credit Cell Heads of all Urban Co-operative Banks in the State of Maharashtra at free of cost.


    Federation circulates a quarterly magazine known as ‘Nagari Bank VARTAPATRA’ containing various articles authored by the eminent bankers, co-operators, professionals in the banking field and thereby creating general awareness about co-operative sector, spreading out banking knowledge among its member banks.


    MUCBF has also published various books namely ‘How to face SAF?’, ‘Rules & Regulations for UCBs’, ‘Bankanvishayee Sarva kahi’, ‘The Maharashtra Co-operative Societies Act (Amendment) 1960’ etc. authored by its own directors.


    Federation is also assisting MBA students and/or students doing PHD for completing their projects on subjects relating to Banking, Co-operation, Finance, Agriculture, Economy etc.


    To recognize and promote the performance excellence amongst UCBs, Federation has been giving Awards to the best banks under different categories at State level. Accordingly a Committee was set up by the Federation comprising of three members i.e. Shri Mohan Tanksale, CEO, Indian Banks’ Association; Shri Sanjay Rane, Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor of the Federation; and Shri Santosh Satam, Chartered Accountant & Tax Consultant cum Advisor of the Federation. The committee selected and finalized the list of best banks from the categories based on Audit class, percentage of deposits and loan growth, low cost of deposits, gross NPAs and net NPAs, Net Interest Margin, CD ratio, CRAR, Net Profit to Working Capital fund, etc. The special awards were also presented to banks receiving scheduled status after a gap of 12 years and to those having excellence in Information Technology. Gaurav Puraskar were also awarded to the UCBs carrying out their banking business for more than 100 years successfully. These awards were presented to winner banks by the auspicious hands of Shri Dinesh Oulkar & Shri Satish Soni, Hon. Commissioner for Co-operation & Registrar of Co-operative Socities, Maharashtra State, Pune, Vidyadhar Anaskar, Hon. Chairman; Shri Ramakant Khetan, Hon. Vice-Chairman, MUCBF.


    RBI had required Commissioner of Co-operation to appoint administrator on the C.K.P. Bank superseding it’s existing Board of Directors. Consequently there was run on the bank. Federation had immediately convened Press Conference on June 05, 2012 and arranged Customer Meet on June 10, 2012 and brought the situation under control. Federation further protested before the press against the action taken by RBI of appointing Administrator by making assessment of the bank on the basis of it’s financial position as on March 31, 2011, without considering the rectifications of various violative norms, and improved financial position of the bank as on March 31, 2012. Further, MUCBF had also organized a press conference on the eve of its AGM on September 12, 2015 to express its views, suggestions, observations, and comments on the recommendations of the said report. The conference aimed to create a wider debate on the report of HPC, the recommendations of which were going to hit hard to the entire Co-operative Sector. A resolution was passed in the said AGM that all Urban Co-operative Banks in Maharashtra to observe “Black Day” wearing black tags on 18th September, 2015 to reject outright the recommendations of the Report of High Powered Committee on UCBs.